Sunday, April 16, 2023


There are so many stills from this movie that are so beautiful. I loved that scene in Joyland when the two sisters in law are on the joyride. On the other side, Haider is helping Biba perform through a power cut with mobile-phone lights in a more 'Western Dance'. And Mumtaz was just such an adorable character in her loose-fitting suits, that pride in having done the bride's make-up in the face of 'class- derision' in the dark with also, mobile phone lights. I also found the scene when the old neighboring lady offering to stay back and the idiotic old man said 'Haider aapko Ghar chhod dega' very heartbreaking. Such a beautiful movie. 
I loved the power of Biba, especially when she confronts her dancing gang of men- it's sheer power. So boldly, beautifully enacted, almost really real. Mumtaz's suicide is so beautifully shot- the shared space in the toilet, the conversation about the cake, the hug and love and yet Haider never noticing she was killing herself. Similarly powerful was the angry outburst by Nucchi after Mumtaz's death defending her. 
Another cute scene- when the little girls keep trying to go to the toilet with Mumtaz inside because they lost their jugnu! 
Haider was a little too subtle?

Saturday, April 15, 2023

The Wonder

Saw it on Netflix, this Saturday. It starts wonderfully about showing you that it's a story being created on a movie set. The story is lovely, the acting super compelling- the nurse, Anna, her family, the doctor, the journalist. The nurse is an interesting character. The story was hard to predict. Beautiful landscapes, and it finally also ends up being a story on a movie set. Narrated by the sister who couldn't read well.